So this is what you get in the dash kit, four aluminium panels with cutouts for the heater controls, radio, ignition barrel etc.
To start with I mock fitted the panels to the dash using blue tack. On final assembly after paint, the dash panels will be attached using double sided foam tape.
After the help of Impactbumpers forum, Garry at Classic Carrera helped me out with some basket weave material. It's not actually weave, its perforated four flute leather. So basically stamped material to simulate actual weave. I bought a length of material from Garry which was enough to do a complete dash with a small amount left for mishaps! Garry recommended a high temperature contact adhesive, so bought a tin of Ebay, and had ago at learning a new skill. You really can't rush this job, took me an afternoon on a good rainy summer day at work. The dash material comes slightly oversized and you trim down.
I tackled the glove box panel first as it was just long with no cutouts. I would work up to the harder shapes! The glove box door needed slightly trimming down on the front edges to allow the aluminium panel to sit flat. You could trim the panel down to fit the glove box, but I wanted a good tight fit between the backdate panels, so did it this way round.
Glued in place and held the edges down with bulldog clips.
Then as if by magic, here is the finished article.
The last finishing touch which has the drill holes already in the glove box panel is the 911 badge.
Here it is fitted in the car...